School Nurse
Phone: (585) 765-3124
Fax: (585) 765-3129
Health Services

Mary Bateson-Kurz
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Every school has a school nurse who coordinates health care in the school setting, answers routine medical questions, gives immediate first aid, provides medical care according to the medical regimen prescribed by the private health provider performs and coordinates mandated NYS screenings and advises parents on immunization and mandated physical examination requirements.
Please be advised that the school nurse will share pertinent medical information with all supervising adults on a need-to-know basis, to ensure the health and safety of the child. In the event a parent has any concerns on this practice, they are encouraged to contact the school nurse in their child’s building.
Parents are frequently concerned about the decision of when to keep their children home, or send them to school. The following information is intended to help parents with this decision.
Please continue to heed the advice of healthcare experts from the Genesee and Orleans counties Health Departments regarding COVID-19.
If your child is ill, please call the school attendance clerk at (585) 765-3162 to report the illness.
If parents/guardians have any questions, please contact the school nurse.
Students should stay home if they...
Have a fever greater than 100 degrees.
Have red, inflamed or draining eyes.
Have a Rash - This could be indicative of contagious childhood illnesses such as chicken pox or other viral diseases. Students should remain home until their doctor says it safe.
If students are experiencing pains:
Toothache: Contact dentist.
Earache: Contact doctor without delay.
Accidents and Injuries: If swelling or pain are present, the child should be seen by a doctor. (Nurses cannot diagnose fractures or sprains.)
Guidelines for Student Return to School After Illness:
Your child needs to be fever free x 24 hour without fever reducing medication.
If your child was diagnosed with Strep Throat – fever free and on an antibiotic x 24 hours.
If your child was diagnosed with pink eye – after starting antibiotic treatment.
Confused as to whether or not your child may return to school after they’ve been out for an illness? The district follows the guidelines from the Genesee and Orleans Counties Health Department.
It is back to school time! Be sure your child has all their recommended immunizations.
The Genesee and Orleans Counties Health Departments have Immunization Clinics. Information on the clinics can be found at Be sure to make your appointments early and well before the beginning of the school year to avoid crowds!
If your child has an injury and needs to be restricted from activities such as PE (Physical Education), recess or athletics, the school nurse will need a note from a physician. These restrictions will apply to participation in physical education, recess and athletics. The School Nurse may need another note from the MD when your student is able to increase activity or return to full participation.
The school nurse may not dispense medication to students without written authorization from parents and the attending physician. This applies to both prescription and non-prescription drugs. If students are taking medication, try to have it administered at home when possible. If it must be taken during school hours, the following requirements must be met for each specific case:
There must be, from the family physician, a written request indicating frequency and dosage of the medication. This needs to be done each school year.
There must be a written request from the parent to administer the medication as specified by the physician. Medication should be in the original prescription bottle with the student's name and the name of the medication. This needs to be done each school year.
Direct personal delivery of the medication must be made by the parent. No medication can be sent on the bus. At the end of the school year, the parent needs to pick up the medication or it will be discarded. No medications can be stored or carried over from one year to the next.
New York State Education Law, section 905 requires that each student receive a hearing screening test to all students within six months of admission to the school and in grades Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 11.
New York State Education Law (Article 19, Section 905) and the Commissioner's Regulations, Section 136.3 requires that a vision screening be done for all new students who enroll in a school of this state including at a minimum color perception, distance acuity, and near vision within six months of admission to the school; in addition, all students shall be screened for distance acuity and near vision in grades Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 11 and at any other time deemed necessary.
Schools are to provide a scoliosis screening for female students in grades 5 and 7 and for male students in grade 9.
Students are required to have a physical if they are entering school as a new or returning student, or are currently in the following grades: UPK or K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,and 11; and yearly for sports participation 7th through 12th grade.
The NYS Education Department released Guidance Documents pertaining to compliance with the Concussion Management Law, which took effect July 1, 2012.