School and all activities/practices are cancelled for Thursday, January 31 due to forecasted weather conditions. Stay safe and warm!

Lyndonville CSD will be closed tomorrow January 30 due to forecasted weather conditions. Stay safe and stay warm!

Softball Banner raising scheduled for this evening has been POSTPONED. Please watch for a rescheduled date.

Girls Softball Banner Raising
Friday January 25th
Hayes Gym
Halftime of the JV Girls Basketball game!!

Girls Softball Banner Raising
January 25th, Hayes Gym
Halftime of the JV Girls Basketball game

Last night, the LCSD Board was honored to host David Little, Executive Director of NY Rural Schools Association, who provided an update of the educational climate in NYS. Thanks Dave!

There will be a public hearing on Monday, January 14th at 6:30 pm in the Library, where will Phase IV of the Smart Schools Investment Plan will be presented.

Congrats Senior wrestlers! Thanks for your dedication!

Art student Gvani Rodriguez was honored by the Lyndonville Veterans for a drawing he created for their book cover!

Thank you Orleans County Sheriff’s and Emergency Services for facilitating a table top exercise this morning with school staff on dangerous person training and responses.

Storyteller, Mr. Rick Merritt, weaves tales and shares legends with 4th - 6th graders at LCS! Storytelling Club begins in 2 weeks!

We have officially “broken ground” on Phase II of our Capital Project!
Thank you community for your support!

Happy New Year!
Classes resume tomorrow January 2, 2019!

Did you complete an application for free and reduced price school meals at the beginning of the school year? It's not too late.
Were you denied and have since had changes to income, employment, or increase in household size? You may be eligible.
Questions? Call 585-765-3101.

Our annual Silver Tigers holiday breakfast. Thankful for our Leo Club students for their hard work! Very proud of them today and always. Happy holidays! @LyndonvilleCSD @lionsclubs #servicelearning #holidaycheer

Let’s go lady Tigers!

A full house gathered to watch a high-powered Lyndonville Tiger boys basketball team tonight- Tiger pride let’s go boys!

Our jazz band entertaining the Orleans County Busy Buddies at the White Birch!

Congratulations to December's LTA Exemplary Students of the Month! They were nominated by LCS staff based on their character, leadership, citizenship, spirit and academics.
K-2: David Buffin
3-6: Andrea Howland
7-9: Meagan Hardner
10-12: Madison Austin

Reminder that students are dismissed at 1 pm this Friday!