There is a special Board meeting tomorrow night at 6 pm, where bids for the Capital Project will be recommended.
Please visit http://www.lyndonvillecsd.org/ to view the agenda.

Paul Capotosto, Multimedia Editor for Roswell Park spoke to AVID students in grades 7-12 on Friday, 11/16.

Veterans, Mr. Gene(TJ) Thompson and Mr. Joseph Hausler speaking with our Lyndonville 7-12 students at our positive recognition assembly. Thank you for your service!

Lyndonville senior play tonight ...a decades long district tradition...break a leg seniors!

Lorelei Dillenbeck was the winner of the Lion's Club District 20-E1 Peace Poster Contest. She was awarded with a $100 check. Her poster moves on to the next level of competition. Congratulations Lorelei!

Congrats new Leo members!

Hello LCSD! Mr. Smith

Remember 9 Days or Less for Student Success. How is your students attendance?

Sr. Play - Crimson House Murder this Friday night, November 16th @ 7 p.m. - $3 admission

Did you know that LCSD students have access to more than 400 eBooks as part of the American Reading Company? Download the ARC Bookshelf app or visit https://www.arcbookshelf.com/?schoolpace=true

Thank you to the Lyndonville Central School District Board of Education members for all they do to support our district!

An important message has been posted to the Lyndonville website. Please view it here: http://www.lyndonvillecsd.org/news.cfm?story=159392&

High School Open House is Thursday, October 4th at 6:00 pm!

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